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ChordArt TMVr - System / Primary Mitral Regurgitation

                                                               FIRST LINE TREATMENT FOR  MITRAL VALVE DISEASE


An innovative cardiology company

CoreMedic was initiated in 2012 as a spin-out in Bern, Switzerland, in order to develop an innovative treatment concept for mitral valve regurgitation (MR). The initiators of CoreMedic had a simple but challenging idea: to combine the least invasive treatment option for MR, replacement of mitral chords, and the least invasive operational procedure into one new system: ChordArt.

In 2014, CoreMedic became operational as an independent entity with own management and facilities. 

In 2017, the development of ChordArt had progressed towards first use in a human trial, enabling CoreMedic to attract institutional financing. The company moved to RIZ-innovation center at Radolfzell, Germany, located at Lake Constance close to the Swiss border within the leading medical technology cluster of Tuttlingen, Germany.

Following successful conclusion of the first human trial of ChordArt in 2018, and five-year data confirming the powerful treatment effect of the ChordArt implant in patients with severe MR, CoreMedic GmbH is tirelessly working to make the ChordArt TMVr - System available to patients. 


Fritz-Reichle-Ring 2, 78315 Radolfzell, Germany; Company HQ

Company:CoreMedic GmbH
Address: Fritz-Reichle-Ring 2, 78315 Radolfzell, Germany
Authorized representative managing director: Thomas Bauer, Josef Bogenschütz
Phone: +49 (0)7732 – 8934610
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE312592224
Register court: Freiburg i.Br.
Registration number: HR B 718890
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